Coping with change and anxiety

How can I cope with anxiety about change?


The coronavirus pandemic is unprecedented, and has brought about so much change in the way we live our lives. As the restrictions gradually loosen, some things may be different from what they were before the lockout, and this can lead to anxiety and anxiety. It's completely natural for us to feel this way; but there are positive ways to deal with the situation. 

We often find that people tend to cope with change in two different ways, though they may use a combination of both: 

Coping with escape: Often the temptation is to try to escape the change or try to avoid it. For example, avoid going to an appointment that worries you or sticking to behaviours that feel safe. Although this may seem like the easiest way to cope in the short term, it can exacerbate your anxiety about the situation, and will eventually need to be dealt with anyway. 

Managing through management: This way of coping tends to be more positive and proactive. This approach is about accepting the difficult feelings and trying to think about how they can be managed in a healthy way - for example, by asking for help or using 'distraction' techniques. Techniques that encourage you to take the lead can often be more beneficial. 

One way to feel more in control is to make sure you understand the changes that are happening. A useful way to do this is to take things one step at a time, especially at a time when things are so uncertain. It is impossible for us to know how things will change in the future, so we can only work with the information we have at the time. Why not put the facts in black (known as the facts at the time) to help you focus on 'one thing at a time'. 

It's natural for us to worry, but choking yourself with unknown things can lead to a lot of anxiety and anxiety, without helping in any way. Why not try to put your concerns on the record as a way of 'freeing them'.