When someone dies: talking helps


Some people find that talking about what's happened, or how they're feeling, is helpful, even though it can be really hard.

Hope Again is another place where you can talk about your grief. When you send us your message by clicking the 'Talk To Us' button on the homepage a young person will personally reply to you, and the messages and stories you send will be monitored by young people.

Here are some ideas for talking about your experience from other young people who use this site...

"It's better to talk and get it out of the way because if you keep it bottled you feel even more miserable than you ever did. Believe me. It's the truth, I'm a teenager myself and I've only just learnt that when I cry and talk about things it really helps."

"People react to loss in different ways. Talk to people, don't let your hurt grow until you break down."


"If you talk to someone about how you are feeling that can help a lot too."

"When you ever need to talk don't bottle it all up, let all your emotions out - it might be easier said then done but in time it'll get easier."

"I know how hard it can get at times. I find it hard to talk to my friends - well I don't really want people in school knowing because they'll just feel sorry for me. But if you talk to your mates then they could help you. I go to counselling - it helps in a way because you get to get all your feelings out."

"I know that bottling it up doesn't help anything it just makes things worse. I found just talking to people about what sort of person he was helps me."

"It's good to keep talking about them because it's good to let out all your feelings and keep their spirits alive!"

"I think the main thing with bereavement is being able to talk to someone about your loss. That way the hurt doesn't stay bottled up and causing more heartache as you have nowhere to vent your pain. There is not set way for people to grieve, what ever you do is normal for you so don't worry about it."

"I told a teacher i trusted and now I have counselling, it helps a lot."

"If you are ever upset don't hold it back let people know, talk to them tell them how you fee,l even cry, just never let yourself down."

"I'd encourage people in a similar situation to talk, it might be hard at the time, but it only gets harder later on..."

"If u wanna talk this site is really good for advice. Everyone on here has been through different things, even though they're all pretty similar."



The Mix have written an article on 'dealing with important days after someone's died', giving some advice on what these anniversaries are like and how you can prepare for them.